
Specific Activity CodeMET ValueActivity Description
070091.0Lying quietly and watching television
070111.0Lying quietly, doing nothing, lying in bed awake, listening to music (not talking or reading)
070201.0Sit, watch television
070211.0Sitting quietly, general
070221.5Sitting quietly, fidgeting, general, fidgeting hands
070231.8Sitting, fidget feet
070241.3Sitting smoking
070251.5Sitting, listening to music (not talking or reading) or watching a movie in a theater
070261.3Sitting at a desk, resting head in hands
070401.3Standing quietly (standing in a line)
070411.5Standing (fidgeting)
070451.3Standing watching television
070501.5Reclining, writing
070601.3Reclining, talking or talking on phone
070701.3Reclining, reading
Specific Activity Codes in red are estimated MET values. All other values are supported with published literature. See Reference Page.
2024 Adult Compendium of Physical Activities